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PXR XRtist Link-Up 2024
The 5th annual PXR Performance in XR festival just wrapped up. The DSSS Lab was thrilled to be able to help fund 5 students at UVic take part in the XRtist Link-Up, in which they joined students from York University and Emily Carr, to learn the design process and...
WRIT 324: Writing Interactive Narratives
Professor David Leach and students in his WRIT 324 are wrapping up the term and readying to submit (and mark) final projects. You can find out more about the course here. This term also included a drop-in Friday lab in which students playtested a variety of longer...
Gamification for Online Learning
Gamification for Online Engagement in Higher Education: A Randomized Controlled Trial David Leach, Brandon Laur, David Broome, Tina Bebbington, Jillianne Code, University of Victoria Abstract A randomized controlled trial was used to test if gamification tools can...
Gamification for Online Learning Study
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