Digital Storytelling & Social Simulation Lab

Social simulation through storytelling and collaborative design.

Digital Storytelling & Social Simulation Lab

Social simulation through storytelling and collaborative design.

Mission Statement

Based at the University of Victoria, the Digital Storytelling & Social Simulation (DSSS) Lab coordinates an interdisciplinary network of community-engaged scholars and digital artists to help community partners (co-ops, NGOs, start-ups) conceive, design and produce interactive social simulations and digital storytelling projects that are accessible, engaging to the general public and younger audiences.

Research Goals

Community Impact and Sustainability

How can interactive media technologies (including smartphone apps, interactive websites and virtual-reality filmmaking) support the projects and programs, sustainability and management, and overall promotion and enterprise development of communities and nonprofits? Overall, how can interactive media enable community-based economic development and enterprising non-profits?

Community-Campus Partnerships

What are best practices in the co-design and co-development of interactive media tools and projects between campuses (researchers and students) and the broader public? What kinds of partnership agreements work best and what should be included (e.g., ethical processes and guidelines, intellectual property and compensation)?

Sustainable Innovation, Curriculum and Practice

What kinds of learning, support systems, spaces and networks (e.g. ,curriculum, communities of practice, labs and tools, funding) on and between the UVic campus and broader community are needed for long-term innovation and partnerships for interactive media and community sustainability / community economic development beyond this pilot project? What kind of entrepreneurial systems or community economic development support structures (e.g., coops etc.) and/or compensation systems (e.g., fee for service, contracts) are available to support students and communities to provide paid services?

Who we are

David Leach

David Leach


David Leach is a Professor in the Department of Writing and Director of the DSSS Lab. He teaches and researches interactive narratives and is the co-creator of Kibbutz: The Settlers of Palestine.

Natasha D'Amours

Natasha D'Amours

Research Assistant

Natasha is a graduate of the Department of Writing and a multimedia artist/filmmaker with a specialization in VR film.
Dr. Yvonne Coady

Dr. Yvonne Coady

Technical Advisor

Dr. Yvonne Coady is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Director of the Mod(ularity) Squad. She specializes in spatialization software and community-based XR partnerships.

Rushaan Chawla

Rushaan Chawla

Research Associate

Rushaan is a first year computer science major studying in University of Victoria.